Perfect Weather for Reading and Writing

It’s raining today and 40 degrees. Perfect weather for hunkering under a throw on the couch to read, that is, after I edit my manuscript. I’m editing book #2 for consistency while rain plunks on our metal roof, and three deer meander in the yard. Heaven.

You’d be surprised at the ease with which basic details change over the months of writing. As the book took shape, the stepson’s coloring and speech changed as his character matured in my head. I gave up trying to recall the name of a law firm, or what street my main character lives on and what year she ran over that guy. Wow, are mismatches apparent in the reading!

I have two other objectives for this read-through: Delete unneeded scenes or redundancy, and add transitional paragraphs for clarity. Actually, there’s one more objective. Whatever happens, I must not sink into the morass of wordsmithing, which for me is the most fun and hardest to avoid in early drafts. More later.


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