You'll Never See Me Sitting Behind a Card Table Selling a Stack of My Books...

The title says it all:  You'll never see me sitting behind a card table selling a stack of my books. It's akin to not being asked to dance at the eighth grade graduation party and trying to appear just fine with sitting alone in the bleachers. Why set myself up for the imagined face-to-face rejection?

And there we have it. I predict rejection where others have higher expectations. A friend recently completed a book tour of Western Montana - she prefers to call it a drive-about where she visited friends and family along the way, set up in community centers or churches, greeted folks, and sold some books. I'd like to be her when I grow up.

But for now, I drive around with four copies of my novel in the back of my Subaru (note the dust) in case someone spontaneously asks to buy my book.

My marketing plan needs work.


  1. My boxes of books hide in my office closet. They too are getting dusty.


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