Postcards from Montana

Seven of us in Montana Women Writers have constructed a postcard to promote our books. I'm looking at a stack of over a hundred of these cards and wondering Do I even know that many people?

I'll mail some. It's likely that those who receive the card will have already bought my book, but it will help the other writers. My larger plan is to stealth-distribute the rest. Finally. Marketing that is almost as fun as writing and doesn't require the face-to-face, "Want to buy my book?"

The Flathead Valley hosted over 1,000,000 visitors in summer 2012, and this year will surpass that mark. They shop, eat in restaurants, peruse storefronts, get coffee. I'll leave our lovely Reading in Montana cards everywhere I go--a postcard souvenir for the taking. They might even mail it back home. But my guess is that in a few weeks, as families unpack their backpacks and rolling bags, or pick up that vacation read that they didn't finish, maybe a Reading in Montana postcard/bookmark will remind them to check us out.


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