Poor Timing

I love my mom. I love my children. This is where we all live.

We weren't together on Mother's Day, but I had fun talking to all of them. Among other topics, they asked how the book was doing. Oh, you mean the novel about a crazy and abusive mother...

Burden of Breath's Nina is one of the most troubled maternal characters ever written. The mother-daughter relationship featured in the story is... well, dysfunctional.  The main character, Hannah, succeeds in breaking that cycle, but the burden of her abuse haunts her life.

So, in keeping with my increasingly shaky promotional skills, I released the novel in time for Mother's Day! Enjoy!

Seriously now - we all know families who don't fit the 'suitable for framing' image of healthy family. Perhaps you suffered a difficult childhood. That's why I wrote Burden of Breath. No matter the circumstances, we survive, perhaps forgive, and move on. We have that choice.


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